Why Do Dogs Lick Each Other’s Ears?

Dogs are an adaptable bunch, and it’s not uncommon for them to exhibit strange behaviors or for their owners to wonder about the cause. For example, why do you see dogs doing the same thing repeatedly? As it turns out, it’s not just your imagination.

Although dogs are incredibly loyal and loving, they can also be quite silly. They’ll often do things like lick their owners’ ears or chew their toys. Of course, the owners are puzzled, but they shouldn’t be because the cause is quite easy to understand.

Every dog owner has seen that curious expression on their dog’s face when being fed a bone. The dog’s lips curl back, and the tongue droops out, looking like a long pink sock. Every dog owner knows that a dog will lick the person who feeds them. But do they know why the dogs do it? have you ever wondered why do dogs lick each other’s ears?

Slurp: why do our dogs lick other dogs’ ears?

Dogs are known for their constant need to be social, but why do dogs like to lick each other’s ears? Why do our dogs do it? The answer to this puzzle is a bit of a mystery. It’s no secret that dogs lick each other’s ears, but the actual reason why can be subject to debate.

While some believe it helps relieve earwax buildup, others believe that it’s a way to show affection. Others believe that it’s a way to release stress. Some believe that it’s just a habit, while others believe it’s a way to communicate.

Other than believing more speculations about it, here ate the following reasons why dogs exhibit such behavior:


1. It’s part of their grooming regime. 

When it comes to dogs, the word “lick” is often used interchangeably with “chew.” But what does “licking” actually mean? You see, dogs do not lick each other’s ears out of affection or to get what they want.

Dogs lick each other’s ears to clean them. (Yes, this is a very important part of doggy etiquette. It’s not a bad thing when your pet wants to clean your ear, after all.) Dogs lick each other’s ears to remove dirt, food, and other unwanted matter that could potentially harm the dog.

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For many dog lovers, grooming is an activity greatly enjoyed by dogs. Some dogs love to be groomed, but some are not interested in grooming. However, some dogs whose ears are extremely sensitive and they are likely to be the ones who like to be groomed.

2. It is way better than having your dog sniffing butt.

Dogs indeed lick each other’s ears, but the reason why they do so is that they want to introduce themselves. Other than butt sniffing, licking ears is a way that dogs show their friendliness and considerate instinct since it’s rare for other canines to come close enough to lick a dog’s face in public. Since friendliness is a vital part of their nature, they want to ensure their friendliness is reflected in their behavior.

3. They can smell infection; licking the ears is their way of cleaning it out.

When you see a curious dog sniffing at your dog’s ears, it may seem like they’re just checking out the other dogs—but we now know that’s not the case. Just as humans might perform a simple touch test to determine whether there is an infection in their mouth, a dog can perform a self-diagnostic.

If a dog is sniffing another dog’s ear and then licking it, it could be because he’s trying to isolate the scent of infection. A recent study found that dogs can smell certain infections in the other dog’s ears through the dogs’ breath, which makes sense because the dogs’ noses are located under the dog’s ears. When dogs sniff each other’s ears, it’s because they can smell infection and are taking steps to clean it out.

4. Licking gives a soothing effect.


If you’ve never seen a dog lick another dog’s ears, you might think it is an act that is entirely natural and harmless, and it is. The thing is, dogs don’t just lick each other’s ears for fun but also to help calm each other down. It’s as if some dogs have a calming effect on others.

5. It’s their way of showing respect and submission.

The truth is that the behaviors that you see in dogs are not a mystery. There are various reasons why dogs do what they do, and they have to do with a dog’s social status. Dogs that stand higher in the pecking order are more likely to get their ears licked than those lower in the social ladder.

6. It may sound gross, but they like the taste of the ear wax.

Earwax is pretty common in dogs, which is why you’ll often find dogs licking their ear canals. Many dog owners are aware that their dogs like to lick each other’s ears. But did you know that dogs also have a fondness for ear wax?

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Yes, it’s true. Many people think the reason behind the habit is because the ear wax smells, and dogs like the taste. However, it is more because wax can stick to the dogs’ tongues, and it might seem like they’re eating it. We asked a few experts to explain why this happens, as well as the potential dangers of ear wax.

Dogs are a varied species and vary in their personalities for all their common qualities. This means that their behavior and responses can vary dramatically and range from being very affectionate and friendly to the exact opposite. However, one of the most constant traits is the licking of other dogs’ ears.

This strange behavior has been proven to have a rather simple explanation. Although this is a common trait among dogs, it varies greatly in both form and frequency.

7. Licking Each Other’s Ears Might Also Cause Ear Infection


Licking is the most common dog behavior, so it’s not surprising that humans think it is cute. It is a very natural behavior. It is easy to see why dogs do it, as it is a fun, friendly, playful thing. Many dogs have the habit of licking other dogs or humans. It is a sign of affection, security, or a normal canine instinct.

However, many dogs do this behavior more than just a few times a day. It may seem harmless, but the behavior has several health risks leading to serious health problems.

Ear licking can lead to ear infections, septicemia, and even death. The Ears should be cleaned every 7–10 days to prevent infection. That’s why no matter how cute this gesture is, it is better to stop it, especially we are talking about the chance that your dog might get an ear infection.

Is there a way to stop your dog from licking each other’s ears?

One of the most common issues that many pet owners have to deal with is their dogs licking each other’s ears. Whether it is a habit or a sign of dominance, it can be very annoying and dangerous.

Labradors, retrievers, and retrievers mixes are the most common dogs that do this, but some other breeds do it as well. Due to this, keeping your dog from licking and biting its ears can be very difficult. You can do certain things to prevent your dog from licking ears, though.

  • Give them something that they can lick. It is possible to stop dogs from licking each other’s ears and many other behaviors using products designed to help. There are products on the market designed to help stop dogs from licking each other’s ears, with the idea being that the dogs want to lick the product instead. That’s why some owners have tried to stop their dogs from licking their ears by using a silicone lick pad.
  • Divert their attention from doing the licking behavior. If you’ve been around dog owners long enough, you’ve likely heard a lot of stories about dogs licking each other’s ears. As cute as they are, they are not good for your dog. But what can you do if you see your pet licking an ear or other parts of your dog? Indulging a dog’s instinct is certainly one way to stop the behavior, but it may not last. Finding a way to divert their attention can work better in the long term. Some people have found that giving a dog a stuffed toy helps prevent this behavior.
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Dogs’ mouths are full of bacteria, and they’re constantly lapping up what they eat, whether it’s toothpaste or another dog’s ear.

That’s why, though it can be distressing and even painful, dogs typically lick each other’s ears. Better safe than sorry, it is best to take the necessary steps to stop this behavior.


Excessive Licking: Is It A Good or A Bad Dog Behavior?

There are many reasons why dogs lick each other’s ears. The most common reasons include dog stress, boredom, small and large dog pack, grooming, ear cleaning, and more.

Some even believe that excessive licking is a behavior meant to communicate a dog’s displeasure or anxiety. While it might be viewed as a very cute behavior on dogs, too much is no longer cute for them, especially if it is already becoming excessive and unhealthy. 

Licking has been described as a dog’s way of showing affection. Still, in reality, excessive licking is a behavior most commonly seen in dogs with obsessive-compulsive tendencies. It is best to prevent it by using a muzzle and putting the dog in a separate room away from other dogs. (The Licking Dog Syndrome is said to have been caused by one dog licking another’s ear, which leads to the other dog licking its ear, and this snowballing of behaviors.)

As a dog owner, you will have heard about excessive licking behavior, but you may not know that it’s a complex behavior that can have many different causes.

Understanding the causes and possible solutions to your dog’s excessive licking behavior will help you address and solve the behavior problems. It is also better to seek the guidance of your friendly veterinarian.

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